AGES-Distribution policy for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
Germplasm from the genebank will be provided to breeders, scientists, educators, producers and other trustworthy research and educational institutions. The AGES will determine the legitimacy of a request in accordance with international and national regulations, if necessary.
Material transfers to comply with international agreements and requests and the repatriation of subsamples of gene bank samples to a country or community of origin, in particular after natural or man-made disasters, have high priority.
Although material donations for research, training and repatriation are of the highest priority, the AGES encourages various maintainers and public institutions to carry out genetic material conservation activities. In particular, farmers who carry out on-farm use and conservation (on farm conservation).
The supply of material for private use only is generally seen as an inappropriate use of limited resources. The task of the gene bank is not to pass on seeds. This should take place at the seed market. Material of varieties still listed in variety lists (national, EU, OECD) will not be transferred.
In accordance with international treaties, material is generally transferred with a Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA), both for species listed in Annex 1 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) and for other species of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.
The signature of a SMTA is not required for the levy for on farm conservation, in particular in the context of agricultural support measures. Nor is a SMTA required when material is returned to the original donor.
Incoming requests for seed samples will be processed in the order in which they are received. SMTA must be signed by the applicant before the material is delivered.
Each delivery of material is documented.
In order to keep this material available for future research and use, AGES has undertaken not to claim legal ownership of the genetic resources contained in its gene bank or to seek intellectual property rights over this genetic material or related information.
The applicant bears full responsibility for complying with the quarantine and biosecurity rules and regulations of the recipient country for the import and release of plant genetic material. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide AGES with an import permit issued by the applicant's national plant protection authorities, where such a document is required. A phytosanitary certificate is usually required for seed shipments outside the European Union.
In order to ensure the free availability of our plant genetic resources in the future, the recipient must accept the conditions set out in the material transfer contract that applies to the use of the seed ordered.
In case, the recipient uses the material for research, breeding and education in the fields of food and agriculture, the conditions of the "Standard Material Transfer Contract of the ITPGRFA must be accepted by the recipient.
Provided quantities
Note that the plant material available for distribution is a limited resource. A seed sample usually consists of about 250 seeds. For species with large seeds such as peas or beans, fewer seeds are distributed.
According to the genebank standards, at least 30 to 50 viable seeds (if possible) are delivered by an accession. If necessary, the recipient must multiply the material himself. It is not possible to request material from one accession several times.
It may happen that, in case of an acquisition, there is temporarily too little material available for delivery, so that samples can only be made available after the material has been renewed or propagated.
AGES gives no guarantee about the condition of the material.